The Parish Magazine
A new appointment
The Licensing Service for our new priest in charge, the Rev Joe Chipper took place on Wednesday July 24th at 7.30 in Kingston Church.
The church now owns a folding wheelchair, which will be kept in the church. If anybody would like to borrow it either for services or other purposes, please call Jenny Brown on 01273 473939.
The Parish Magazine
Publication of the magazine in its usual form was made impossible by the COVID crisis, and it has been decided not to return to full physical distribution. If you would like to receive it by email, please contact the editor, Anna MacLeod, at
The new format of the magazine is easily printable on A4. You can view and download the current and past editions here:
Parish Magazine September 2024
Parish Magazine September 2023
Further information from our Churchwardens:
Jenny Brown – 01273 473939,
Anne Roberts –