Council Vacancy
Council Vacancy
Council Vacancy
Council Vacancy
Council Vacancy
Council Vacancy
Council Vacancy
Council Vacancy

Council Vacancy



Are you interested in local current affairs?

Do you wish to serve your community?

Could you provide a voice for residents?

Rodmell Parish Council is seeking to co-opt a Parish Councillor.  The person co-opted to the Council will be required to sign a declaration that they will conform to the requirements of the Code of Conduct for Local Councillors.

The Parish Council meets bi-monthly, generally the third Tuesday of the month.

To qualify as a Co-opted Councillor, a person must be either:

  • A British citizen or an eligible Commonwealth citizen


  • 18 years or over
  • Not disqualified by any statute


  • Be an elector of the Parish or
  • Has resided in the parish for the past twelve months or rented/tenanted land or other premises in the parish, or
  • Has their principle place of work in the parish, or
  • Has lived within three miles of the parish boundary

If you are interested in serving as a co-opted Parish Councillor, please contact the Clerk to the Council, Lorna Thwaites via email: or speak to a member of the Council.

Applicants are asked to complete an application form, which is available by contacting the Clerk as above.

Applications should be received by Monday 5th August 2024. 

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