The National Park
The South Downs National Park Authority is working on an updated Local Plan
The South Downs National Park Authority is working on an updated Local Plan
For the latest information from Rodmell Parish Council, please visit
Finding out villagers’ views on their priorities for Rodmell’s future
Something to display, announce or sell? Skills to contribute? I need your input.
Rodmell’s Good Neighbour Scheme has changed its name and the way it works!
The Rodmell Village Community Website
Our website aims to be a source of information for all areas of life in the village of Rodmell and neighbouring hamlet of Northease. It is for everyone who lives here, and for all ages and interests. We also aim to show the world beyond our doorstep what’s here for them – for visitors and tourist information click on About Rodmell on the menu at the top of the Home page.
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All information on this website is provided in good faith, and the administrators cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. To conform with the General Data Protection Regulations, any personal information such as name, postal address, telephone number and email address given via this website will only be used to provide a requested service, kept for as long as necessary to provide that service, and will not be disclosed to any other third party without your prior permission or unless we are required to do so by law.