Egrets’ Way Works
Egrets’ Way Works
Egrets’ Way Works
Egrets’ Way Works
Egrets’ Way Works
Egrets’ Way Works
Egrets’ Way Works
Egrets’ Way Works

Egrets’ Way Works

The Parish Council have received the following letter from the South Downs National Park Authority, announcing the recommencement of the works on Phase 6 of the Egrets’ Way

*** Works to Complete Egrets Way Phase6 to Re-commence ***
Information received by Rodmell Parish Council from the Projects Officer at South Downs National Park Authority
The South Downs National Park Authority confirm that JT Mackley shall be remobilising during w/c 12th August to complete the construction of the Egrets Way path adjacent to the river flood defences between Lewes and Rodmell. The main construction works of the 3km paths sub-base were completed in 2022, however less than half of the top ‘surface-dressing’ of limestone dust was completed before wet weather forced demobilisation from site. Although unfinished, the new path has been open for use and has already become popular, providing a valuable link for wheeled-users, including cyclists travelling to and from Lewes.
The works are expected to be completed in 6-8 weeks and will include some remedial works to reinforce sections of the finished path that have been affected by surface water drainage, and complete the surfacing works to the remaining 1.8km (currently mid-grade stone) to the junction with the bridleway. Once complete we shall ‘make good’ the access track bridleway and by agreement with the landowner, we will undertake some drainage and surface improvements to make the track more resilient and more accessible year-round. Also, directional signage will be installed from Ham Lane, Lewes and Southease. The Rodmell Bridleway fingers will also be changed to reflect the access between the village and Egrets Way.
Warning signage will be deployed during the works to alert the public of construction vehicles and activities along the route and where possible only the localised works areas will have restricted or no public access as necessary for safety reasons. During the works Mackley estimate there will be approximately 25-30 delivery lorry movements, plus plant and welfare along The Street across the period, which is approximately ten percent of the movements undertaken during the previous work periods to date. Due to no abnormal loads, reduced number and sizes of delivery lorries there will be no requirement to have parking prohibitions in place and we will endeavour to receive deliveries in the mornings. A pre-commencement survey of the road will be undertaken as good precautionary practice.
We are excited to complete the delivery of this section of the Egrets Way which will provide a valuable community asset for many future years to come.

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